Seminars on anthropology of enterprise and innovation

A free seminar series on enterprise creation and innovation from an anthropological perspective at University of Liverpool between 1-4 November 2011. Hat tip ISBE. Register here.

From Lucy to Language to a Culture of Enterprise and Innovation

 This exhibition is inspired partly by the BBC’s popular History of the World in a Hundred Objects. We take a selected series of objects from the times of human origins up to the modern age, and explore their themes – stone technology, fire, cave art, and complex worlds – and add to these seminars on key aspects of enterprise and innovation. The exhibits show how objects are at the very core of what it is to be human, and integral to the networks of relationships we call communities, societies, organizations and enterprises. Rarely are social networks simply that – they are more truly sociotechnical. They are enabled and held together by invented and engineered artefacts. Every artefact, invention or artwork, or corporate brand logo embodies an opportunity to learn about culture at the level of nation, region, or even an individual enterprise.